Saturday, April 10, 2021

Alphabetized Chapter Twenty: Collateral Improvement


The first of several never before published Alphabetized captions debuts today and this one has some non TG elements as an innocent bystander gets caught in an Alphas wake.  Lucky girl.



ps:  This ends the daily dose of Alphabetized.  It's been fun to get all these chapters out over the last three weeks and expect more from this "universe" in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What a great cap. Makes me wonder from the alpha perspective how difficult it might be in their shoes. Imagine the first time he seeded a girl he cared about unintentionally turning her into a wanton slut. Having such power could be almost a curse if you wanted an independent intelligent women. Then you need to dispose of these bimbos all the time by using some service. With their seed so powerful are their libedos also out of control? Imagine trying to be an abstinent alpha after having to deal with lust crazy ex girlfriends stalking you. Maybe a real alpha would be above those problems, but I could easily see a learning curve. Mo bitches mo problems?
